Scientific support for sustainable animal health solutions

Animal health solutions

Kreavet supports companies, research/public institutions and professional organisations to meet today’s challenges in the field of animal health and sustainable livestock farming. Kreavet helps its clients to deliver, implement and disseminate their solutions faster by services in the field of Research & Development, Strategic collaborations and Training. We offer specific expertise in the field of veterinary parasitology, epidemiology and socio-economics of animal health.

Our services

icon of research and development

Research & Development

“We offer various services from scientific proposal writing to data-analysis and project management. This increases your probability of success and helps you to focus on the science.”
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icon of strategic collaborations

Strategic collaborations

“We facilitate inter-disciplinary collaboration to initiate your innovation trajectory.”
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icon of training


“We are passionate about parasites. We give customized training in the various aspects of parasitic worm control in ruminants.”
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How can we
help you?

One size seldom fits all.
We deliver a customised service to enhance your project.

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Our projects

Together with ILVO, we coordinate the EU Thematic Network SPARC. SPARC develops a multi-actor Community of Practice of sustainable worm control strategies in ruminants to curb anthelmintic resistance and aid in the green transition of European agriculture.
Bill & Melinda Gates foundation
We work with the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation to support Low and Middle Income Countries in mapping priority veterinary parasites of livestock.
Health for Animals
We provide parasitological expertise to Health for Animals with a focus on One Health aspects of parasite control in companion animals.
We help infectious disease modellers build better models on the impact of biosecurity measures on the spread of pathogens within and between farms through literature review on transmission and other disease characteristics in the Horizon Europe project BIOSECURE.
We coordinate the secretariat of the STAR-IDAZ International Research Consortium on Animal Health (SIRCAH), which receives funding from the EU and the UK Horizon Europe Guarantee. STAR-IDAZ IRC aims to coordinate research at the international level to contribute to new and improved animal health strategies for at least 30 priority diseases/infections/issues.
LIFE MiCliFeed
LIFE MiCliFeed aims to demonstrate the scientific, environmental and economic feasibility of exploiting the agro-industrial waste streams and develop them into functional livestock feeds that reduce GHG emissions and parasite burdens from small ruminants. Kreavet will provide support in literature review, development of questionnaire survey and data analysis. It will conduct socio-economic impact analysis of LIFE MiCliFeed innovations at farm and regional level.
Boehringer Ingelheim
“We provide parasitological, epidemiological and social sciences expertise to support Boehringer Ingelheim in developing sustainable parasite control methods in livestock”
Global Burden of Animal Diseases
Kreavet supports the GBADs initiative with establishing strategic collaborations and developing new projects. Kreavet also contributed to a Dutch study case led by Utrecht University: How to determine the Health Loss Envelope in the Dutch dairy sector?
Mapping Research Gaps
DISCONTOOLS is the open-access database to identify research gaps and prioritise diseases to advance infectious disease control in animals. The database receives funding from EU member states, with industry providing secretariat support. Mapping research gaps in animal health is needed to prioritise research and speed up the delivery of improved disease control tools. Kreavet manages the project.
Enhancing innovation
AnimalhealthEurope is the association representing manufacturers of animal medicines, vaccines and other animal health products in Europe. We support AnimalhealthEurope in its efforts towards continued innovation in the sector and manage its activities in the secretariat of the STAR-IDAZ International Research Consortium
Combatting anthelmintic resistance
We chaired the COST-Action CA16230 COMBAR (2017-2022), where research institutions from 29 countries join forces to COMBat Anthelmintic Resistance in ruminants.
Data analysis
We support DGZ (Dierengezondheidszorg Vlaanderen) with the design and analysis of epidemiologic field surveys.
Writing and reviewing SOPs
Poulpharm is a fast-growing independent research partner for the veterinary pharmaceutical and nutritional industry. We provided support to the Poulpharm – CRO unit in writing out and reviewing Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)-procedures.
Diagnostic Tech Bulletin O. ostertagi ELISA
BI Svanova produces and supplies veterinary diagnostic solutions for a wide range of livestock diseases. We supported BI Svanova in developing a technical bulletin for the SVANOVIR® O. ostertagi-Ab ELISA. This document summarises the current state-of-the-art in gastrointestinal nematode diagnosis in adult cattle. Gives concrete user guidelines and examples and covers some FAQ’s. The report is available for download here.
Prediction and prevention of lungworm infections in cattle
Infections with lungworm are a serious constraint on cattle welfare and health in the temperate climate regions across Europe. Control relies on therapeutic treatment of sick animals with anthelmintics. By establishing links of lungworm infection with weather and production indices, we hope to develop preventative instead of therapeutic treatment recommendations. Kreavet supports this research topic at Ghent University through survey design, statistical data-analysis and interpretation.
Beliefs and intentions on nematode control practices
This PhD-project at Ghent University aimed at understanding the factors affecting the farmers’ intention to adopt diagnostic methods before implementing anthelmintic treatments in dairy cattle. It combined qualitative and quantitative research and uses different theories from socio-psychology to understand human behaviour. Kreavet provided advice and writing support to this project. This project ended in June 2018.

Our partnerships

Kreavet works together in a relationship of mutual trust with highly respected partners, that were critical for the conception and success of Kreavet.